Monthly Membership and Online Support for New Therapists

Confidently step into your therapist identity feeling capable and effective with the support, guidance and development of the membership.

All you want is to help people, but you feel like you don't know what you’re doing.

You haven’t even started and you’re already burned out. You're scared of making mistakes, doing harm or failing your clients. Your grad program didn’t teach you how to actually do therapy. Your supervisor hasn’t actually seen a client in over 5 years. 

You want to feel confident in your ability to help clients with whatever they bring into the therapy room but you feel so unprepared. 

You want to look forward to seeing your clients, you want to feel hopeful about your career as a therapist, but you’re overwhelmed.

Does this sound familiar….?

You’ve just graduated and you're at your first job in community mental health or a group practice. You quickly realize how little school did to prepare you for this work. Yeah, I learned how to actively listen and reflect, but now what do I do? Clients are coming to you with problems that you have no idea how to respond to. Your supervisor doesn’t actually see clients anymore and spends your one hour of supervision a week talking about her kids. You don’t feel like you can ask for help in staffings because you’re expected to know what you’re doing, or you’ve seen others receive condescending feedback. You spend your lunch hour googling “how to treat panic attacks” or “how to get rid of imposter syndrome”. 

You avoid writing your notes because that means you have to process and conceptualize your sessions and no one taught you how to do that. Trying to think about your sessions turns into a rumination session of everything you did “wrong”.

You go home and scroll for hours because you’re overwhelmed and burned out. You try to go to sleep at night but you can’t stop thinking about how that one client was talking about her emotionally abusive relationship and you don’t know how to help her. You wake up the next morning, full of dread, and call in sick because you just cannot. And you start to worry…did I pick the wrong career?  

Imagine if...


Imagine if... ~

 Let’s do a visualization exericse:

  • Imagine what it would be like to feel proud of and hopeful about your new career.

  • Imagine what it would be like to feel confident in handling whatever your clients throw at you.

  • Imagine what it would feel like to wake up and look forward to going to see your clients for the day and not have to internally debate calling in sick.

  • Imagine what it would feel like to feel like you are effective at helping people, exactly what you set out to do.

  • Imagine sitting in a session with a client and they’re asking for coping skills for {insert problem here}, and instead of blanking or nodding along and just waiting until you can go google, you actually feel like you can help in the moment. 

What would that be like for you?

Instead of feeling so alone and overwhelmed, get access to a safe space and support and skills so you can: 

  • stop dreading your work and look forward to seeing your clients.

  • stop being scared that you chose the wrong profession. 

  • stop overthinking if you made the right decision or did the right thing. 

  • stop laying in bed at night thinking about your clients. 

  • stop feeling like you don’t know what you’re doing

    And so you can achieve confidence in your new therapist role and feel hopeful about your future in your career!

The Therapist Harbor Membership was created just for you!

For new therapists who struggle with confidence in their newfound therapist identity and feel they did not have adequate training, effective supervision or support. 

I’m also a therapist who got my start in community mental health and hospital settings where there was less training and guidance and more “baptized with fire” kind of experience. I too, at one time felt like my grad program did a less than great job at preparing me for the work. I’ve worked in toxic environments with little to no support. And, I’ve also got to experience working with fantastic mentors that helped me find my footing in this profession. Since then, I’ve worked as a professor guiding and supervising grad students through their practicums and I’ve started my own group practice where I’ve fostered the development of so many new therapists.

Hi, my name is Kelsey, and I’ve been exactly where you are. 

I’ve been where you are and I’ve made my way through the dark times of being a new therapist. After helping so many other therapists find their confidence and enhance their skills, I’ve developed a framework to fast track you to feeling like you know what you’re doing. 

Hear from other therapists

  • "I feel more competent in my work since working with Kelsey and I feel more inspired to keep learning. I felt so supported by Kelsey each step of the way and it helped me build confidence in myself and my own abilities. "

    — Shayna S., PLPC

  • "Getting guidance from Kelsey has helped me tremendously to feel more comfortable and confident working with complex clients who struggle with many issues."

    — Carmen B., LCSW

Here’s what you’re going to get when you join The Therapist Harbor Membership

  • Monthly training of clinical skills and interventions taught to you so you can feel confident with managing whatever clients bring to you.

  • Exercises to get you to feeling fully secure in your identity as a therapist so you can fight self doubt and endless questioning.

  • Monthly group calls to provide community and a safe space so that you can connect to other therapists just like you and receive guidance and feedback from me as your mentor.

  • Library of endless resources to increase your clinical skills

Plus, if you join the membership in its first 6 months of creation you can lock in the monthly price of $37 for life! 

What makes this membership different?

I care about you staying in this profession. We all work in a broken system. We are in a unique time in this field where we are feeling the state of the world right alongside our clients. That’s a lot to carry as we try to care for ourselves and so many others. The last thing you need is to feel inadequate in the midst of it. I have so much success in helping the clinicians I work with prevent overwhelm and burnout and I can help you too.  

It’s true mentorship. It not only teaches you clinical skills that are delivered to you in bite sized pieces, it provides you actual strategies to own your therapist identity, plus a community that provides a safe space to be vulnerable! 

Want to know exactly what is inside this membership? Let me tell you!

The Therapist Harbor Membership contains a library of resources, a monthly recorded teaching module of applicable clinical skills and strategies, monthly drop of exercises to increase your confidence in your identity as a therapist, a community for support, and a monthly call with me. 

  • Clinical Skills

    Monthly drop of bite sized training videos of clinical strategies that you can quickly and effectively put into action with your clients and gain traction on their progress.

  • Confidence

    Monthly drop of exercises designed to increase your confidence as a therapist, embracing your new identity and counteracting imposter syndrome.

  • Career

    Discussion of the industry and your future, including job opportunities for your skillset, systemic issues, and burnout so you can feel connected and validated while you do the most challenging work.

  • Community

    Monthly calls with me to provide you guidance, support, and a chance to ask questions regarding the delivered training videos and exercises to foster your growth as an effective and confident therapist. 

This amazing feedback is something you’ll want to hear!

Pricing + Payment

Get instant access to The Therapist Harbor Membership for only $37 per month with an initial three month commitment!



Or sign up for a whole year and get one month free! 

Save $37 and lock your membership in for one year!


“Kelsey cultivates such a healthy learning environment. It is safe, authentic and open. It’s allowed me to grow in ways that I didn’t know were possible.”

- Megan B., LPC

“I feel like Kelsey has always rooted for me to grow. She appreciated my value and doesn’t try to change me (who I am or how I operate), just offers insightful suggestions of skills to use”

-Student Therapist

See what others have to say about working with me as their mentor:

I know what you’re thinking…”I don’t even have time for this”, or maybe you’ve joined memberships before and then didn’t even open the content.

I’m going to be real with you, I’ve definitely done that too. So why would I create a membership when I’ve been a part of ones that I haven’t even used? Because now I know exactly how to deliver just enough content in a tangible, attention captivating way so that you’ll actually consume it. I’m not going to overwhelm you with teaching or resources, and I’m also not going to leave you alone to sift through everything by yourself. 

You can stop spending your time googling interventions, buying worksheets on Etsy, pondering spending thousands of dollars on training that may not be right for you, wasting your time trying to staff your clients in unsafe spaces, and instead you can spend about 30 minutes a week with us in the membership getting everything you need to become a better therapist. 

Still not sure if the membership is right for you?

I know you may have some questions, let me try to answer them.

  • If you’re in internship, practicum, a provisionally licensed therapist, or within the first few years of your therapist career then this is the perfect time for you!

  • I completely understand this one. With deliverables housed on the membership site, as well as sent to your inbox, in consumable short videos that you can either listen to, watch, or read transcript (typically with a visual), the content here can cater to any learning and attention style. All you have to do is take a 20-ish minute break a couple times a month from your evening scrolling.

  • No, you’ll have to do this one on your own. But I promise I will make it super simple to renew or cancel.

  • No worries, I’m not for everyone and I completely understand that. I do require the initial 3 month commitment because that’s how long it takes to get to fully experience each benefit of the membership. After that, you are free to cancel!

Don’t let another day go by where you sit in sessions with your clients feeling inadequate and questioning your life choices!

Join me in the membership so you can feel confident as a new therapist, effectively helping your clients progress and feeling secure in your therapist identity!