Your FREE 30-Page Workbook is on the way! 🎉
But while I’ve got you here, I have something really special for you to check out.
The Complete Novel Planning Tool Kit
A comprehensive plot planner that organizes all of the story arc elements of your book into easy to find sections so you can locate any plotpoint of your story at a quick glance
A proven character map that measures the connection between main character and supporting character and ensures the relationships among them hold steady throughout your novel
An established world-building guide that tracks the level of believability of your setting and helps you create a lifelike world that captivates your readers and draws them deeper into you story
A weekly word count tracker that turns green when you’ve hit your writing goal (or red when you haven’t), so you’ll always know if you’re on track to publish by your goal date
An exhaustive list of self-editing tips and tricks to ensure you’re putting your best story forward before querying agents or submitting to professional editors
And so many more tools to help you on your author journey…
This ebook is $97 in my shop...
But you can get a copy NOW for only $27!
Maybe for you it looks like this:
You’ve had the vision for your novel for years, but have never actually put any words down on paper
Your friends tell you your story has a ton of potential but you don’t even know how to start moving past the idea stage
You’ve got a bunch of messy post-its and disorganized notes on your phone with details of your story but you can never makes sense of what they mean
You’ve started and stopped your novel before but always end up setting it to the side whenever it feels complicated
Your life is full of distractions and sitting down to write feels like a huge chore on top of everything else you have going on.

If you see yourself in any of these scenarios, the Complete Novel Planning Toolkit is the exact resource to help you get your debut novel organized so writing can feel way easier and a ton more fun.

Hi, I’m Name.
Five years ago, when I was writing my debut novel, I flat out hated it.
Here I was finally pursuing the passion I’d had since childhood, but every moment felt really freaking hard. And that made me really freaking sad.
I loved my story and knew the details like the back of my hand. Or so I thought…
But thinking I could just sit in front of my laptop and that my novel would just flow out of me was a huge mistake.
It wasn’t until I made the transition from panster to plotter that I was actually able to make real headway on my writing.
Getting organized didn’t kill my creativity like I thought it would, It unleashed it.
And after finally sitting down to organize my novel the words did flow. They poured out of me until I had an 89,000 word manuscript in just a couple of months.
Looking back, plotting out my story arcs, characters, setting, and word count goals was the best thing I ever did. It helped me finish my debut on deadline and it’s helped me write three more best-sellers since.
Plotting helped me become a success and I want that for you too.
Which is why I’m offering you my entire novel organizing system right here in this tool kit.
Results from Happy Writers

With this Toolkit you’ll learn how to:
Dissect the most important elements of your novel and learn to work on them one-by-one, that way you’re not overwhelmed by trying to tackle everything at once
Streamline the writing process without having to search through a giant manuscript to find the area you want to focus on
Determine the elements of your story that are really strong and the parts that need a little help, so you can spend your time focusing on what’s truly going to make your story better.
Recognize any gaps in your novel before it goes out to ARC readers, agents, or editors so you know you’re putting your best product forward
You’ll also gain…
The confidence to move forward in your author journey knowing you can return to this toolkit time and time again to craft all of your future stories..

You might be thinking...
“I must not be destined to be an author if writing my debut novel is this difficult.”
You’re not alone. Every author I’ve helped complete their manuscript has had these same doubts.
I’m here to tell you that a writing career doesn’t come without you putting in the work. And the best way to put in that work is to dedicate your time to plotting out and organizing your novel.
Take the step to get prepared before you sit down to write. I promise you’ll see a world of difference in the ease and joy of writing. The Complete Novel Planning Toolkit can help.